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Full Marks :  60

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Q.1  If a^3 + b^3 = 11 and a^3 - b^3 = 5, evaluate a^6 - b^6No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    6
B)    8
C)    16
D)    55

Q.2  If 2x - 7>5, which one of the value of x represent?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    x > 6
B)    x > 1
C)    x < 6
D)    x < 1

Q.3  If X is a positive integer in the equation M = 6x what must m be?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    a positive even integer
B)    a negative even integer
C)    a positive odd integer
D)    a negative odd integer

Q.4  Which one of the following polynomials is a degree of 9.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    9x^2 y - 3x - 4
B)    2x^3 y^5 - 8x^4 y^2 + 5
C)    2x^2 y^5 + 3xy^4 + 9
D)    7x^3 + 5x^4 y^2 + 8

Q.5  Which one of the following equal to ?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    64m^5 n^(-3)
B)    16m^5 n^(-3)
C)    64m^16 n^(-3)
D)    16m^5 n^(-8)

Q.6  Which one of the following number binary system denotes 33?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    101_2
B)    10001_2
C)    10001
D)    100001

Q.7  The average of two numbers is b and one of the numbers is equal to c, which one of the following numbers is the other number.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    2c - b
B)    (b+c)/2
C)    b-2c
D)    2b-c

Q.8  A and B are two sets which one of the following represents for A∩B?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    {x:x ∑A and x ∈B}
B)    {x:x ∉A and x: ∉B}
C)    {x:x ∈A and x ∉B}
D)    {x:x ∉A and x: ∈B}

Q.9  If x:y = 3:5 and x:z = 5:7, what will be value of y:z?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    3:7
B)    7:3
C)    21:25
D)    25:21

Q.10  Ram and Shyam together can do a piece of work in 20 days. Shyam alone takes 36 days to do the same work. In how many days Ram alone can do it.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    16
B)    45
C)    54
D)    63

Q.11  A card is done at random fro a pack of 52 cards. Which one of probalility so that card drawn is either a read or queen.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    1/2
B)    7/13
C)    15/26
D)    8/13

Q.12  Urmila is 10 years older than her sister. If Urmila was 23 years of age in 2060 B.S. In what year could her siter have been born?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    2010
B)    2027
C)    2037
D)    2047

Q.13  The market price of a watch is Rs. 9000. How much will it cost if 20% discount is allowed?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    Rs. 720
B)    Rs. 880
C)    Rs. 920
D)    Rs. 1080

Q.14  Which one of the following fractions reference 30% of 25/18?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    5/108
B)    5/12
C)    25/54
D)    25/6

Q.15  The simple interest on Rs. 2000 for 5 years is Rs. 200. Which one of the following denotes the rate of interest?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    0.005%
B)    0.5%
C)    2%
D)    50%

Q.16  What is the mean of 2^10 and 2^20?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    2^30
B)    2^5 + 2^10
C)    2^9 +2^19
D)    2^29

Q.17  Which one of the following is the ratio of the circumference and diameter of a circle?No file avaiable 1 marks

B)    π
C)    π/2
D)    1

Q.18  It is the mean of 5, 6, 7 and x is 8, which of the following is the value of x?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    8
B)    12
C)    14
D)    16

Q.19  The surface area of a table tennis ball is (1/π)cm^2 What is its diameter?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    7/22 cm
B)    22/7 cm
C)    7/25 cm
D)    25/7 cm

Q.20  In adjoining ∆PQR, what is the value of angle?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    Picture
B)    50°
C)    65°
D)    115°
E)    130°

Q.21  Which Newton's law of motion is also known as law of inertia?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    Newton's 1st law of motion
B)    Newton's 2nd law of motion
C)    Newton's 3 rd law of motion
D)    All

Q.22  In which direction does gravity acts?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    toward pole
B)    toward equator
C)    toward centre
D)    no fixed direction

Q.23  What is the weight of an object of mass 60kg dropped freely from a certain height towards the surface of earth.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    0N
B)    60N
C)    96N
D)    600N

Q.24  How much solar energy does the surface of earth receives in average?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    1.4 kw/m^2
B)    1.7 kw/m^2
C)    2.4 kw/m^2
D)    2.7 kw/m^2

Q.25  What is the critical angle of water?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    24°
B)    42°
C)    48°
D)    49°

Q.26  How much force is required to produce acceleration of 1m/s^2 in a body to 1kg mass?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    1N
B)    4.9N
C)    9.8N
D)    10N

Q.27  What is the difference observed in gravitation force when the distance between two body is halved.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    (1/2) mv^2
B)    mv^2
C)    (1/2) mgh
D)    mgh/t

Q.28  Which is the lightest element?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    H_2
B)    O_2
C)    N_2
D)    Na

Q.29  How many electrons can K shell hold of an atom?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    2
B)    8
C)    18
D)    32

Q.30  How many phylum's of invertebrates are there?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    3
B)    7
C)    5
D)    8

Q.31  How many cranial nerves are there in human brain?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    6
B)    12
C)    21
D)    31

Q.32  Which gland produced growth hormone?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    pituitary
B)    thyroid
C)    parathyroid
D)    adrenal

Q.33  How many valves are there in human heart?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    2
B)    3
C)    4
D)    5

Q.34  Which blood cell fight against germs?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    RBC
B)    WBC
C)    Platelets
D)    All of the above

Q.35  Why is colours of human blood red?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    due to fibrinogen
B)    due to hemoglobin
C)    due to globulin
D)    due to limphosite

Q.36  How much blood is present in healthy human body?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    3.5
B)    4.5
C)    5.5
D)    6.5

Q.37  Which gas is found in highest amount in atmosphere?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    O_2
B)    N_2
C)    CO_2
D)    NH_3

Q.38  In which layer of atmosphere is ozone gas found?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    troposphere
B)    stratosphere
C)    mesosphere
D)    thermosphere

Q.39  Which virus causes measles?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    cerebrum paramixo
B)    retro
C)    rhino
D)    HIV

Q.40  We will meet each other ................ Christmas.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    in
B)    on
C)    at
D)    from

Q.41  I generally go to ................. bed at eleven 'O' clock.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    an
B)    the
C)    a
D)    nothing

Q.42  The continued playing .................... the heavy rain.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    because
B)    because of
C)    although
D)    in spite of

Q.43  Stop! they ..................... us.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    are following
B)    follow
C)    followed
D)    have followed

Q.44  The traffic police............... all vehicles.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    are checking
B)    are being checked
C)    has checked
D)    was checking

Q.45  You've got .................... all vehicles.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    do they done
B)    do
C)    doing
D)    to do

Q.46  Unless they were criminals, the police .................. them.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    will arrest
B)    would arrest
C)    would not arrest
D)    won't arrest

Q.47  She asked me .........................No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    what is your name
B)    What was his name
C)    what your name is
D)    what my name was

Q.48  Both sides should discuss ....................... they could not get good results.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    on
B)    about
C)    no preposition
D)    but

Q.49  Everyone worked really had, ...................could not get good results.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    so
B)    so that
C)    therefore
D)    however

Q.50  All questions ..................... They are compulsory.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    must be done
B)    must have been done
C)    must do
D)    must have done

Q.51  Do you know ..........................No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    where does she lives?
B)    where she lives?
C)    where she live?
D)    where live she?

Q.52  He is ........................... university students studying science.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    a
B)    the
C)    an
D)    no article

Q.53  They ................. from world tour in a month's time.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    return
B)    will be returning
C)    will have returned
D)    will return

Q.54  When did she ................ her house painted?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    has
B)    get
C)    make
D)    made

Q.55  You forbade me ................ out.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    to not to go
B)    to going
C)    to go
D)    not to going

Q.56  When the house ................... we were having lunch.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    collapsed
B)    has collapsed
C)    was collapsing
D)    had collapsed

Q.57  ....................... no one was interested, the hiking was postponed.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    in spite of
B)    because of
C)    since
D)    despite

Q.58  No one is ready ................?No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    isn't it
B)    is he
C)    aren't they
D)    are they

Q.59  I respect you because you are senior ................... me.No file avaiable 1 marks

A)    then
B)    by
C)    to
D)    from
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