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Staff Nurse / H. A ./ Pharmacy / Lab Bridge Course

Staff Nurse / H. A ./ Pharmacy / Lab Bridge Course

"In the context of today's world, medical field cannot as well e ignored while it comes to Couse design and syllabus. We worked a lot upon the package we have at hand today that clearly helps supports the students on medial field. It gives direct supports "


Staff Nurse / H. A. / Pharmacy ..

In the context of today's world, medical field cannot as well e ignored while it comes to Couse design and syllabus. We worked a lot upon the package we have at hand today that clearly helps supports the students on medial field. It gives direct supports for entrance exams especially for those who stand on competition for staff Nurse and HA. Hence, a large number of students are certain to get admission or enrollment anywhere they think of with an eye to dream-career.

Course Offer
1. Biology (Botany + Zoology)
2. Chemistry
3. Physics
5. Mathematics
6. GK
7. IQ
8. Health

9. Entrance Preparation.


Duration: 15 Weeks
Classes 6 days per week: Sunday to Friday 3: 5 hours daily.
Everyday Online Exam: (Provided Cash Prize Every weeks for highest score)  


Fee Structure

S. N.

Total Fee.


From Online Entrance

School Topper/

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25% Fixed

Up to 20%

5% Fixed



Key Feature

  1. विगतको बर्षहरुमा उत्कृष्ट नतिजा निकाल्न सफल । 
  2. Experience तथा Export शिक्षकबाट कक्षा संञ्चालन गरिने । 
  3. उत्कृष्ट विद्यार्थीहरुलाई छात्रवृत्तिको ब्यवस्था भएको । 
  4. दैनिक,साप्तहिक, तथा मासिक परिक्षा संञ्चालन गरिने । 
  5. निःशुल्क उत्कृष्ट कलेजहरुको Preparation Class संञ्चालन गरिने । 
  6. Extra activities मार्फत बौद्धिक विकास गरिने । 
  7. शान्त कक्षाकोठा तथा पारिवारिक  बातवरण भएको ।