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one of the awesome and lovely reputed institute

Baishav Poudel

"one of the awesome and lovely reputed institute"

My experience in Cambridge InfoTech After the completion of my Secondary Education Examination (SEE), I had more than 3 months of holidays and many objectives to obtain, which also included getting into a good college. For this aim, I chose Cambridge InfoTech as my guide to provide me better base helping me to get into college. Cambridge provides good facility with good education and best, most important part is that they provide equality and respect to all students and learners equally helping and providing encouragement to do better in future. Management of picnic programs and other arrangement in college visits are also very neat with disciplined time table and punctual management system. Personally, I took Bridge course classes (Morning shift from 7AM-10AM) and in my opinion, every management system, fun classes and friendly teachers with their legendary skills of managing classes are very neat, simple and far better than any other institutes I've seen. I'd like to thank Cambridge Institute and staffs for making our institute one of the awesome and lovely reputed institute over Kathmandu. Cambridge really is an excellent institute that provides good platforms to students to do better. I will be sure to recommend and refer Cambridge InfoTech Institute to all my friends and family. - Baishav Poudel Kathmandu International School